Cuba Baseball Team Cap Batos

Cuba Baseball Team Cap Batos
Very nice Baseball Cap with “C” logo in front, and the Cuban flag on the side.
The back says “Batos” “Daring” and “Official Merchandise”
Adjustable, thanks to a Velcro strap.
Looks like it has never been worn.

Incredible Hulk Action Figure + Bruce Banner UPN Cartoon 1996 Transforming

Incredible Hulk Action Figure + Bruce Banner UPN Cartoon 1996 Transforming
The box said “Transforming Action”
Transforming? Really? I guess they meant that Bruce Banner is in the process of transforming. But kind of misleading. There’s no action involved, that’s for sure. There is a slit in the back of the Hulk in which you can put Bruce. That’s… something, I guess.
This has a reputation of being the ugliest version of The Hulk in toy form.